“Every once in a while, when you least expect it, you stumble across a novel that reminds you of fiction’s capacity to delight and amaze.” - Washington Post
“Jacobs elegantly blends the stories of Latin American revolutionaries, drug csars, thugs, expatriates, and lost souls. His eerie and engrossing tale recalls the magic of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, with a cynical American edge of its own. An enchanting debut.” - Penthouse
“An impressive debut from a writer with a generous imagination and a daring, if deeply weird, sense of character and fate.” – Kirkus Reviews
“Jacobs makes the familiar unique with a magic realism that owes more to Carlos Castañeda than Garcia Marquez.” – Salon.com
“Essential reading for anyone attempting to understand the human side of our drug polices... a multilayered tale of spiritual renewal.” -- Library Journal
“Jacobs breathes new life into the old form with lucid, sinewy prose and an intimate knowledge of the Bolivian people and landscape.” -- Publishers Weekly
“Stone Cowboy is the ugliest, most depressing book you will ever love, a travel journal from hell. Part crime thriller, part travel guide, part sociological treatise, Stone Cowboy makes for one ugly, entertaining and profound read.” - San Antonio Express News